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Free Trial: Online PT Session

Practice the mastery of strength and flexibility with private online sessions in the comfort of your own home or at the gym.

What my customers say

Super strength program transformation

I Started training with Gabriel and from the first session I knew everything was different, I had never seen a system like that, and I didn't know it was so effective, also It makes you fall in love with the process. I lost 20 kilos and I feel I have an amazing body like I never thought I could have it as I was very fat 6 months ago.

Javier Casini

Super strength program transformation

I Had troubles gaining weight my whole life and I thought I will always be the skinny guy until I met Gabriel Fitness. He taught me many things and helped me to get my dream body, I always wanted bigger arms and now I can say I feel super confident with my body my arms are 16 inches, I have never enjoyed exercising before like I do now.

Edward Arrechedera

Gabriel Meneses,
 Personal Trainer, Movement Coach

I started training when I was 14 years old. I began to notice a big difference especially with my strength, I could do activities that I could not do before and my improvement in all sports was incredible.

After all these years of training, I started to design different systems to increase strength, hypertrophy, endurance, and flexibility in the most dynamic way.

I decided that more people should know this; the feeling of being healthy and strong is something that money or anything in life can’t compare to. That is the reason why I have spent 10 years teaching different methods to get you the best results in terms of weight, definition, flexibility, and increasing muscle mass.

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Customized PT Sessions Online

Challenging workouts, for all levels, to empower mind and body. Try your first session for free!