
Personal Training anywhere you go

Are you interested in discovering new ways of exercising? Maybe you want to increase muscle mass, lose weight, or improve your strength? I will help you unlock the MINDSET to streamline your road to results! no matter what your goal. 
Book A Free Consultation

What my Clients say

Super strength program transformation

I Started training with Gabriel and from the first session I knew everything was different, I had never seen a system like that, and I didn't know it was so effective, also It makes you fall in love with the process. I lost 20 kilos and I feel I have an amazing body like I never thought I could have it as I was very fat 6 months ago.

Javier Casini

Super strength program transformation

I Had troubles gaining weight my whole life and I thought I will always be the skinny guy until I met Gabriel Fitness. He taught me many things and helped me to get my dream body, I always wanted bigger arms and now I can say I feel super confident with my body my arms are 16 inches, I have never enjoyed exercising before like I do now.

Edward Arrechedera

I can't explain how knowledgeable he is such a great bloke if you listen to him you will gain the results you are looking for 💪

Tom Taylor

Tom Taylor
Tom Taylor
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I would just like to say a big thank you to my personal trainer Gabriel Meneses at snap fitness I've been there just Little over 6 weeks now, I am on a super strength program with him and he's manged to get me to lose 3.5 stone in 40 days its certainly not for the faint hearted and you as person will need to put alot of effort in but I can't explain how knowledgeable he is such a great bloke if you listen to him you will gain the results you are looking for 💪💪💪💪
Ryan Davey
Ryan Davey
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Another Sunday runday and the end to my first week of new training, thank you @gabrielfitness_ feeling stronger already💪
Celina De Farias
Celina De Farias
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This is the best way of exercising I have ever seen, Gabriel has everything, from an app to personal attention, he is always aware of us, teaching us techniques and losing weight at the same time! you need to try this way of training😄💪
Javier Casini
Javier Casini
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I Started training with Gabriel and from the first session I knew everything was different, I had never seen a system like that, and I didn't know it was so effective, also It makes you fall in love with the process. I lost 20 kilos and I feel I have an amazing body like I never thought I could have it as I was very fat 6 months ago.
Edward Arrechedera
Edward Arrechedera
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I Had troubles gaining weight my whole life and I thought I will always be the skinny guy until I met Gabriel Fitness. He taught me many things and helped me to get my dream body, I always wanted bigger arms and now I can say I feel super confident with my body my arms are 16 inches, I have never enjoyed exercising before like I do now.

Fitness App

Yes! I have an app where you will see your workout program, diets, your progress, and other features. You can even Message me through this app, and you can reach me anytime.

Diet Plan By a professional nutritionist

Celina has over 35 years of experience in the field, and she has the best recipes I have seen; you wouldn’t even feel you are on a diet.

Personalised plans

Workout Program just for you! I will customize your very own ongoing training program. All exercises have been filmed to demonstrate how to perform them correctly.

Track Your Progress

With this app you can track your progress, check your body weight, body fat, your goals, and objectives. You can also upload photos to see your changes over time. And If you have your Fitbit, Apple Watch you can connect it to my app!

the super strength program dashboard app
the super strength program app
Gabriel Fitness squats
Start Today from £19!

We have so many plans that you can choose to begin your changes in the fitness life, I see you there!

Front Lever of the personalised workout plan

Gabriel Meneses,
 Personal Trainer, Movement Coach

I started training when I was 14 years old. I began to notice a big difference, I could do activities that I couldn’t before and my improvement in all sports was incredible.

After all these years of training, I started to design different systems to increase strength, hypertrophy, endurance, and flexibility in the most dynamic way.

I decided that more people should know this; the feeling of being healthy and strong is something with more value than you think. That is the reason why I have spent 10 years studying different methods to get you the best results in terms of weight, definition, flexibility, and increasing muscle mass.

Do you ever feel like you have a...

Lack of knowledge

So many people come to me without a clue what to do, or worse, with wrong, and often dangerous, ideas as to how to get healthy. Don't feel ashamed! I was there too. I did the heavy lifting for you. I did the years of study and trial and error so you don't have to!

Lack OF confidence

It is totally normal to be in this position. Once you follow a proven plan all these thoughts will go away and as soon as you see great results your whole life will change!

Plateau you've been stuck at

The body can do remarkable things when people just "start working out" but often, people will hit a plateau because they don't know enough about fitness, their bodies, or nutrition to push past that ceiling. That's where I come into it! I'll help you get past your old sticking points so you can see real change in no time!

no more second-guessing!

Challenging workouts, for all levels, to empower mind and body. Try your first session for free!